Friday 27 April 2012

Evaluation Question 3 (By Voke, Emily, Sophie and Vicky)

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

 Feedback was very important when making when all three media platforms had been completed. We as a group needed to see what people thought about it all the products and whether it appealed to our target audience. After we had created our rough cut, we felt it necessary to get feedback from the people who had seen the video which were our classmates and teacher. We then asked both our teacher and our classmates to make notes on the negative and positive aspects of our music video as well as any changes they felt we needed to implement. The overall comments we received were "Great use of the lip syncing technique", Nice cuts", "Great storyline". That was some of the positive feedback that we received. As well as positive feedback, we also received some negative comments; "The editing of the film needs to be more like the animatic which was fast pace", "The signs were up for too long", "The lighting in some places were bleached out". Overall we knew what needed to be changed and what should remain the same. The overall feeling we got when reading the comments were that the video was enjoyable and that was very likable.                

After we had edited the rough cut, we felt it necessary to post our video on the social networking website, 'Facebook'. Doing this allowed our friends outside of our media class to see our video and give us there feedback and comments on the video. Most of our friends on Facebook are regular teenagers who our music video would genuinely apply to, as most of our friends are of an Indie genre. The feedback we got was to our surprise quite critical and precise from our friends who aren't from a media sort of background or knowledge. The majority of our friends who commented and liked our music video said that they liked the video story line and that its something that can be seen on music channels. Also that the tempo of the music was fast paced, making it more exciting. Below are some of the comments that we received from our final cut.

Above, Sophie Jansen created a wall for those who didn't have facebook to comment and give feedback on our video.
Facebook Feedback
Facebook Feedback
Facebook Feedback

Along with the facebook posting, both Media classes were put together in our classroom for a private viewing of each of our own music videos. We were to closely analyse everybody else's videos and make comments on each others videos. This was a good idea, as gaining feedback from our classmates would be good way to see how much our music video had improved since our rough cut. Just as we expected, the new comments on our music changed as there were more positive comments such as; "Clear and concise storyline", "Pace of the music was in time with the pace of the video", "The timing of the lip syncing has improved". With these comments, we knew that we had achieved what needed to be achieved in terms of appealing to our target audience.

With our Digipak, we felt that this could be one of our strong points in the coursework as we had already had experience in designing and making music magazines from AS. After creating both the CD cover and the magazine advert poster, we asked our teacher for her view on the two. Our teacher who is very critical and honest felt that our Digipak was very good. However, she also felt that we let ourselves down on the CD cover as it didn't really link with the magazine poster. When being told this, we then went back to create yet another CD cover which would make close links with the magazine poster. We looked at several examples on the internet of artists who had done two different covers for their CD e.g. Jessie J, Coldplay etc. Because of our research, we knew what had to be done to our own CD cover to greatly improve it and after doing this, our teacher felt that both the magazine poster and the CD cover were linked.

Overall, we felt that we appealed to our target audience who we in the beginning set out to please and that our music video suited the genre we were looking to emulate. We as a group feel that the demands of our Indie genre have been met as 40% of our viewers were of an Indie genre and felt that they could relate themselves to our video.

Here is a quick video of our feedback from both our main task and ancillary task (Music video and Digipak) 

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