Wednesday 18 January 2012

Our Locations

As part of our music video, we are using two locations. The main location we are using is Camden Town, where most of our filming will be done. The other location we are planning to use is Longfield Train Station along with Sophie Jansen's garage which is also located in Longfield. 

This is an image of our favourite location in Camden that we used.
Camden Town was our main location for the shooting of our music video. The scenery and atmosphere in Camden Town was exactly what we felt was needed for the filming of our music video.

Camden is a busy place to be at most times especially during the evening when we were scheduled to start filming the music video. The places we found in Camden were perfect for our music video.

Camden High Street

This image of Emily was taken to show the exact location of the music video. Just past this street sign was the location that is seen above. 

Camden High Street was a great location for us to use for our music video, as we got the best out of the atmosphere, scenery and its busy environment.

Image of Longfield Train Station, taken By Sophie Jansen

Longfield Train Station was our second location that was used to film the final seconds of the music video. Jake our actor will be met by our stalker Emily on the opposite side of the train station, making our ending very climatic.

Due to the business of Camden train station, we felt it best that we use a less busy environment for the ending our music video. It took a while for us to actually film this part as the station was busier than we expected.

Longfield Train Station

Both Jake and Emily are sitting on the stairs of our second location which was, Longfield Train Station. This is an image that will be used in future on maybe our digipak.

This image in itself tells explains our music video in a nut shell. Jake our actor sitting the foreground is unaware of Emily our actress in the background, who is playing the role of a stalker. Longfield Station is where the conclusion of our music video is filmed.

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