Monday 10 October 2011

Top 5 tips to editing videos

1.Avoid using jump cuts:
A jump cut occurs when you have two consecutive shots with the exact same camera set up, but a difference in the subject. It happens most often when editing interviews, and you want to cut out some words or phrases that the subject says.

2. 45 Degree rule:

When editing together a scene shot from multiple camera angles, always try to use shots that are looking at the subject from at least a difference of 45 degrees. Otherwise, the shots are too similar and appear almost like a jump cut to the audience.
3.Match the scene:

The beauty of editing is that you can take footage shots out of order or at separate times, and cut them together so that they appear as one continuous scene. To do this effectively, though, the elements in the shots should match up.
4.Consider moving shots:

The length of a shot needs to be relative to the pace of the music, there is no point having a long shot in face paced music as it will not make sense. The length of shots can also be effective for example when using zooms (short shots will be used e.g when you are showing what someone is looking at).


B-roll refers to video footage that sets the scene, reveals details, or generally enhances the story. For example, at a school play, besides shooting the play, you could get b-roll of the outside of the school, the program, faces of audience members, cast members hiding in the wings, or costume details.

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