Monday 10 October 2011


Video editing is the process of editing segments of motion video production footage, special effects and sound recordings in the post production process. Motion picturefilm editing is a predecessor to video editing and, in several ways, video editing simulates motion picture film editing, in theory and the use of linear video editing and video editing software on non linear editing systems.

The goals of ed
iting is to manipulate these events to bring the communication closer to the original goal or target.

Editing is a very important part of making our music and to how others make there music videos. Editing is essential in making a music video successful. Poor editing can lead to a very poor final product, whereas as good editing leads to a successful product. There are many factors that lead to the success or downfall of many videos. For example, the pace of the editing, transitions, length of shots are all key in video editing.What are 'Transitions'?

This is a technique used in the post production process of film editing an
d video editing by which scenes or shots are combined.
Example of some transitions:

  • Fade in/out: Fade ins and fade outs are the second most common type of transition. Fade outs happen when the picture is gradually replaced by black screen or any other solid color.
Traditionally, fade outs have been used to conclude movies. Fade ins are the opposite: a solid color gradually gives way to picture, commonly used in the beginning of movies.
  • A wipe: involves one shot replacing another, traveling from one side of the frame to another. Think of a vertical line passing from the right side of the frame to the left.
  • A dissolve: Also known as overlapping, dissolves happen when one shot gradually replaces by the next. One disappears as the following appears. For a few seconds, they overlap, and both are visible. Commonly used to signify the passage of time.
  • A cut: is the most common way to join two shots. It is the most basic in that the film undergoes no special processes to perform a cut; the two film strips are simply played one after the other.
Over-using transitions is a common mistake made by amateurs. In most professional productions, almost all transitions are simple cuts or crossfades. Too many animated transitions are distracting and impact on the flow of the video.

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