Wednesday 21 September 2011

Foals- Olympic airways

This song was found on which is the blog for the vast growing British soap Hollyoaks. The song was published on one of there posts that we decided to have a look at. The video itself is only 4:23 seconds long. The lyrics of the song illustrates the image we get in the video.
This is how we build a place an aviary for today an aviary for today" as we are listening to this lyric, the video image is of young people in a field playing music surrounded by there friends who are relaxing amongst themselves.

The video shows them settling down in what appears
to be their "aviary" and where they are able to do whatever they want and be themselves. The area surrounding them contains rubbish on the floor where they may have possible disposed of unwanted item such as cups. The setting is in a woods within a field which has a little lake that they also use. The lighting of the video is mostly natural light, as we get the image of the sun and its rays shining down on the people in the woods. There are different props used in the video such as, a childs bike, an octupus, bottles of paint, a broken door, matresses etc.
There are a wide range of camera shots and angles. The most popular shot they used were the close ups. The close ups were used when the members of the band were shot playing there various instruments such as a guitar, piano and the drums. The close up shots are used to amplify the sound of the instrument being played in the video

This is shot is of the whole band performing and singing in what they call there "aviary". This is a typical shot you'll find in many performance videos.

It shows you all the members of the band and there roles in the video. After this s
hot, the camera cuts to members of the group individually as close ups so that the focus is put on them. The image above is a typical example of the close ups in the video.

Over-cranking is used throughout music video as the pace of the music drives the editing. The music is very calm and relaxed which in turn makes the video work well with this style of editing.

Foals- Olympic Airways Lyrics

Suns up we wait
all day
Suns up we wait
all day all day

the hell outsides kept away
if only we could move away
from here

This is how
we build a place
an aviary for today
an aviary for today

let's disappear till tomorrow
let's disappear till tomorrow
dis-a-ppe-ar ar ar ar

blow up these play parades
let's go
to an aviary far from home
to an aviary far from home

a one hand clap is me and you
and you and you and you
while the hell outsides kept away
if only we moved away

dis-a-ppe-ar ar ar ar

last vacation was the same
we got moved away
last vacation was the same
we got moved away
last vacation was the same
we got moved away

sun down now we have built
our place
an aviary forever
an aviary forever
forever forever


Click image below to watch video:

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